Botp Dictionary: ar-tis-tic tem·per·a·ment
Stylized whining for those occasions when:
1)You want to work but can't
2)Can't work but should
3)Must work...but would rather not
I really believe that BotP will grow into one of the best
literary magazines in the country (that would be on or off the web, I don't like to do things by halves) and the most
fertile ground for cultivating amazing new artists. I'll admit I'm rabid on this point.
BotP needs to become a literary and artistic voice to be reckoned with and right now I'm really working on nurturing new
and attracting seasoned writers, actors, directors, painters, sculptors, etc.
But artists in this country are in such dire straits, that giving them a place to sound off is not really enough. They
need money. They need to be able to make a living wage doing what they do best.
And right now, that is not happening.
Bakery of the Poets, the webzine gives artists a microphone to introduce themselves in the world, showcases the work of
some of the finest writers working today, helps create an online community raises awareness about our need for great art.
The goal of Bakery of the Poets, the organization is to
create a self-sustaining philanthropic and business model. Through philanthropy, low-income artists will have access to
the retreats, education and sabbaticals so necessary for developing an artist's skill and rejuvenating their talent. I wish
to create a business model for full service artist representation; including publishing, gallery, film and
performing arts productions; which will ensure artists receive an equitable profit share in anything they publish, produce
or create in conjunction with BotP. The primary goal of this organization is not to produce ever-increasing profit margins,
but to produce an ever-greater artistic legacy. By catalyzing a change in the arts industries; we will make becoming an artist
a realistic dream for anyone possessing the talent.
This is my goal...this is my obssesion...this is my job.