Bakery of the Poets

The Zine

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Front Page

Please Please Please by Sean Starr
All Rights Reserved 2007

Artist In Residence

The Idealism of Sean Starr

Table Talk

"During the early days of World War II, I remember an occasional air raid which darkened the area surrounding our neighborhood..."
Artist Carole Orr invites us into her world.

Views and Reviews

Shelly Bryant gives us a view on the works of Singaporean poet Yong Shu Hoong

The Rhythm of Poetry

Tad Richards essay looks for links links between Frankie, Sammy and Dean...and Frost, Stevens and Williams

Well - Versed

de Bergerac's Audible Poetry: 'Elaine' by Edna St. Vincent Millay, 'Medea', a poem by Joy Sullivan and...

" My friend Lottie McNall, an astrophysicist, manages, it seems to me, to escape the entanglements of everyday life in the esoteric language of her profession..."
from Mutilation Imagery, a short story by Urs Frei

Please remember that all works protected under United States Copyright law, either by Bakery of the Poets, the individual artist and/or their agent(s). No images or text may be downloaded, copied, transferred or stored on any electronic retrieval system or otherwise.